Cycle tour of the jubilarians

Some people don’t plan events on a Friday when it falls on the 13th. For superstitious people, this day may cause uneasy shivers. But that doesn’t apply to the cyclists of the Silver Tour!

An expectant atmosphere before the start.

On this day, an impressive group of almost 40 active and former MINDA employees, who are already enjoying their well-earned retirement, got on their bikes. It has become a long-standing tradition for employees who have been with the company for 25 years or more to go on an annual bike ride in the surrounding area.

Right from the start at the Hans-Böckler-Strasse, it was clear that a good mood and perfect cycling weather were good conditions for a successful tour.

The chosen route was a nature experience! Along the canal and the Weser towards Todtenhausen and then onwards with a refreshment stop in Stemmer. In Messlingen, at the Landgasthaus Rathert, the cyclists were able to satisfy their hunger. 

Freshly fortified and with full bellies, the moment came that everyone had been waiting for: our senior boss Eberhard Falch, the man who once initiated this legendary bike tour, rose to speak and started the return journey. And at this point it must simply be emphasized: Eberhard Falch was about to celebrate his 86th birthday, rode without an e-bike and made some younger people look old with their e-turbos. Hats off to him!

The way back led through the picturesque Heisterholz, via Petershagen and - as it should be - back along the Weser to MINDA.
The weather? Sunny, as ordered. The conversations? Lively and full of anecdotes from MINDA days gone by. The atmosphere? Excellent, as always!

Finally, there is only one thing left to say: A huge thank you to all participants for this great day. And, of course, special praise to the organizers!

We're already looking forward to the next tout!